
1 Game Reviews w/ Response

All 18 Reviews

This game is incredibly fun, the artstyle and animations are all super inspired and really fit the vibe, I love all the little cameos in the background art you can find everywhere, I really appreciate that! It's really addictive, all of the gameplay mechanics really work well together and there's a lot of variety. The framerate can be a little iffy sometimes but reading other comments it seems like that's been improved upon since the original release. But holy shit, I can't wait to see what you guys have been working on in terms of updates. Imo the music is just eh, I hope you add more tracks in the future. I saw in the description that you appreciate feedback / new ideas for the game, so I have a few: first of all, maybe you could make it so that you can hold down the attack buttons, making the light attack combo kind of like it is in smash, and also making it so that you can fire the gun or swing the bat multiple times in a row, another one would be deflecting projectiles with the bat attack (flinging them back towards an enemy). Multiplayer would also be cool, although I don't know how that would be implemented, seeing how it's not really designed to be a multiplayer game at the moment. Another idea I had was to maybe fight against the newgrounds bots as bosses, like P-bot, A-bot, G-bot, M-bot, I-bot and F-bot, maybe other characters such as Reddqueen's OC and Alloy, seeing how they are robot-themed. But yeah. I had a blast playing this game, and I'm looking forward to future updates!

Edit 1: I noticed something - the audio when you swing on the rail thingy seems to be bugged

-- hen 🧡

Spagato responds:

Hey thanks for the feedback! Sorry about the slow update, school/work stuff is making production kinda slow, but I'm still working on the game. There's a lot of changes that I made and I can confirm a couple of things. There's gonna be performance improvements, a new gameplay mechanic, parries (projectile too), new maps, new enemies, a new boss, better controller configuration (saves controls), and local multiplayer support. I'll try to update my news feed about the new stuff when I get the chance.

Newgrounds resident fluffy hen. 🧡

Henry @nleolnator



High school

Somewhere in Nevada

Joined on 8/24/20

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11m 30d